Njoftohen të gjithë kandidatët e interesuar për dhënien e provimit profesional (Certifikimin) nga Siguria dhe [...]
Under the auspices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and the Municipality of [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, and Mayor of Municipality of Vushtrri [...]
Rahovec, on 28 September, 2016 Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, [...]
Ministri i Ministrisë së Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale, z. Arban Abrashi, nesër me datë 28.09.2016 [...]
In a continuous support to communities and in a collaboration with deputies, representatives of Roma [...]
Today, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi received in two separate meetings [...]
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