Chief of the Executive Body in the Labor Inspectorate (EBLI) ,Mr.Basri Ibrahimi, today has held a conference with the journalists in Kosovo where he reported about the situation in general of the media in Kosovo. During this conference, the chief inspector Mr.Ibrahimi has announced the inspection of several months done by the Labour inspectors in various media in Kosovo, where it is said that the situation of workers’ rights, including here the disobedience of work contracts, non-payment on time and the prolonged schedules were the key points found at the media workers.
This report is about 34 inspected media in total, where from 1896 empoloyees ,719 are males and 1179 females. In the first inspections, according to Mr.Ibrahimi, there are identified 4 cases of people with disabilities whose rights were violated and on the occasion of inspectation, this issue was regulated.
In the report, it is also said that there are identified 24 people without work contracts, 153 contracts for specific jobs, 83 cases with an unpaid work during the night, the lack of health control depending on the risk in the working place, the prolonged practice of the workers and many other issues that the media should consider in the future.
Whereas regarding the fines, it is said that until now, the Labor Inspectorate has imposed three fines in three cases, only when it is concluded that even after the warning that the Labour Inspectoare has done earlier, the requests are not fulfilled.