Minister Mr. Abrashi meets with UN Women and Chrystele Todd from the Initiative for the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflicts

Today, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi received in two separate meetings with representatives of UN Women in Kosovo led by Ms. Flora Macula, Head of Office, and member Ms. Chrystele Todd from Initiative for the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Conflict at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom.

At the meeting with Ms. Macula, Minister Mr. Abrashi explained the steps taken so far by MLSW concerning procedures for recognizing and verifying the status of victims of sexual violence during the Kosovo Liberation War. Mr. Abrashi reported on already announced competition for members of the Government Commission on recognition and verification of the status of victims of sexual violence which will be authorized by the Government to address their applications. This process is nearing completion and will soon be established the Governmental Commission. In this meeting, Minister Mr. Abrashi and head of UN Women Ms. Macula agreed on a plan of training for all those involved in this complex process.

While meeting with Ms. Todd and Minister Mr. Abrashi was announced for the purpose of her visit in Kosovo and the assistance and expertise of the United Kingdom may offer to Kosovo for treatment of victims of sexual violence of war. Minister Mr. Abrashi from his side informed Ms. Todd for the steps taken lambs government announcement of competition to the establishment of the Office of Administrative Support Committee that will assist the Government in its work.

As a conclusion of the two meetings was to agree a common need for Kosovo to finally remove the stigma of being unfair to victims of wartime of sexual violence and to provide them justice missing.