Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Rita Hajzeraj- Beqaj strongly supports the Association of the Down Syndrome of Kosova

Today on the occasion of the solemn event to launch the project of honey packaging from the Association of Down Syndrome of Kosova, Deputy. Minister Rita Hajzeraj – Beqaj stressed that the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare is committed to support this organization and other organizations dealing with marginalized groups.

On this occasion, Deputy Minister Rita Hajzeraj- Beqaj mentioned that the employment of members of the Kosova Down Syndrome is a priority of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. According to Ms. Hajzeraj employment for members of Kosova Down Syndrome, but also other members of vulnerable groups, is on interest for the institutions and the society.

Mrs. Hajzeraj thanked the Down Syndrome Association, which continues to provide training programs, employment, and identifying the needs of this group, help their involvement in employment and welfare.