Distributed certificates to 62 trainees from training, “Juvenile delinquency in Kosovo”

Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Nenad Rasic, distributed 62 certificates for social services officers, from all communities in Kosovo.

Minister Rasic said that the work that social workers do, is very human and that they should be proud because they are categories of employees who are always at the service of those in need, which makes them be category the good of society, and should be proud of their profession.

Also, during the meeting the Minister Rasic said the attendees that this certification must understand as a ladder to raise their ongoing professional and these certificates should occupy a special place in the documentation of these officers.

Training was held for social service providers in the new Mamushë, Partesh, Kllokot, Novobërdë, Ranillug, Graqanicë, Shtërrpc,, including participants from the Rahovec and Kamenica.

Participants and certificated were mainly of Serbian nationality, and a number of other Turkish and Albanian.