Inaugurated regulation of river and park in the Berivojcë village of Kamenica

Within the program “Beautiful Kosova/2”, today in the presence of community leaders, representatives of the EU, IOM and the MLSW is done the inauguration of the project for the regulation of the river and park in Berivojce village municipality of Kamenica.

According to Ms. Sirije Poder, project coordinator at the EU Office in Pristina, is the third project of the program “Beautiful Kosova” in the Kamenica municipality, while the 73 at the level of Kosova. For the realization of these projects, the EU has allocated around 7 million euro, and have been employed for a short period of time, from the employment offices  of the MLSW over 4 thousand long term , said Ms. Poder.


Meanwhile, Deputy / Minister of MLSW, z. Qazim Rrahman thanked the EU, as a donor, IOM as project implemented and Mayor of Kamenica, Mr. Begzad Sinani for the support and continuing support are providing to the people of Kosovo, especially in the alleviation of unemployment and in creating a better environment for living. According to Mr. Rrahman in this project have been employed 63 people from all communities who have been registered at the Municipal Employment Office in Kamenica