Minister Mr. Abrashi attended in the presentation of the program of Self-employment in the region of Mitrovica

Mitrovica, 12 February, 2016


Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, today attended in the presentation of the program of self-employment in the private sector in the region of Mitrovica.

In cooperation with the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP), the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Finnish Embassy in Pristine, presented the findings of the analysis of the private sector and self-employment program was launched for the region of Mitrovica.

In this presentation, the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, said that this program, which is a continuation of the first phase of the Programme of self-employment, already successfully implemented in the regions of Gjilan, Pristine and Prizren, aims to support jobseekers to implement their business ideas that bring innovation to the market.

“Through the grants will support jobseekers with unique business ideas that provide sustainable employment opportunities for themselves and other unemployed job seekers,” said Mr. Abrashi at the same time expressing his gratitude for the implementing partners.

On this occasion, the Permanent deputy representative of UNDP, Alessandra Roccasalvo, stressed the importance of creating new opportunities for growth and employment in the private sector in building a sustainable economy. At the same time it has introduced UNDP’s commitment in this regard.