European Integration Division
1. Tasks and responsibilities of the European Integration Division include:
1.1. Provides support in developing strategies and plans from the MLSW scope;
1.2. Provides information for developing European Partnership Action Plan (EPAP) and ensures its alignment with Mid-term Expenditurer Framework (MTEF) and other strategic papers;
1.3. Monitors EPAP implementation and reports to relevant institutions;
1.4. Coordinates IPA and external bilateral assistance for ministry’s activities and ensures the assistance is linked to MLSW priorities;
1.5. Provides support to MLSW organizational structures and on project management;
1.6. Provides support to MLSW organizational structure in charge of legal issues regarding the inclusion of EU policies into national legislation when aligning with acquis communautaire, and ensures that legislation envisaged with EPAP is integrated into Government’s Legislative Programme.
1.7. Provides support and assists in organizing and functioning of regular meetings on Stabilization-Association process, on issues related to MLSW scope.
2. Head of European Integration Division reports to the Head of European Integration and Policy Coordination Department.
3. Number of European Integration Division staff is three (3).