Reçica receives the Support from the UK for the treatment of victims of sexual violence during the war

Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Mr. Skender Reçica, held a meeting with the British Baroness, Ms. Arminka Helić, a member of the House of Lords in the UK. The topic of discussion between Minister Mr. Reçica and Baroness Ms. Helić was the developments undertaken by the Kosovo Government regarding the victims of sexual violence in the recent conflict in Kosovo.

Minister Mr. Reçica informed Baroness Ms. Helić in detail about the entire treatment process of this category until the beginning of the recognition and verification of the status of this category that officially started on 5 February this year. The Minister also informed about the number of applications received and those treated for this category.

Mr. Reçica stressed that beyond that, victims of sexual violence of the recent war in Kosovo will continue to enjoy merit treatment by offering them easy access to all services, providing genuine health services, employment advantages and vocational training, education quality, rehabilitation, etc.

Meanwhile, Baroness Ms. Helić congratulated Minister Mr. Reçica for his dedication to treat dignitaries of the victims of sexual violence of the last war in Kosovo. She said that Kosovo has made steps forward in this regard, becoming a leader in the region regarding the proper treatment of this category and offered the full support of UK for the co-operation.