In the framework of the EU program “Beautiful Kosovo” inaugurated projects in Gjakova and Therandë

Gjakova, 1 Octomber 2013
After the inauguration of the project in Therandë, attended the highest municipal structures, Deputy Minister of MLSW, Mr. Fatmir Shurdhaj, participated in the inauguration of the “Beautifying the city cemetery” in town. Both these projects are carried out in the framework of the EU for “Beautiful Kosovo”.
Funded by the EU, supported and backed by MLSW project and municipality of Gjakova to regulate the city cemetery is concluded successfully, with the realization of this project involved 122 workers.

Deputy / Minister Mr. Shurdhaj this investment has described as very important the fact that they are open to new places of work for some time and that the realization of this project are also employed minority communities and people with disabilities.

Meanwhile, the EU representative, Mr. Kristof Stok said that a compelling reason to invest in this project has been that there are two common graves religions, one Muslim and Catholic.

The value of this project was 270 thousand euro’s.