Clarification of MLSW for the opinion

Concerning an article published today (01.08.2016) in the daily “Koha Ditore”, regarding the distribution of money of the Social Assistance Scheme, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare informs the public that there are not accurate amounts referred to the article written by Nora Shabani. The author, among other things, writes that the distribution of social assistance through 160 post offices would cost 700 thousand euros cheaper the Kosova budget.
MLSW during 2015 paid about 460 thousand euro annual provision for the distribution of this scheme, the same amount which will be also paid in 2016. The author N. Sh. is called by the  experts of the field, but surprisingly does not mention any name of any expert. We ask N. Sh. who are these experts and who invented that the amount of 700 thousand euros supposedly  would cost cheaper for the budget of the MLSW when the whole service costs about half of this amount?!