Pristine, on 08.11.2013
After attempting to do self- combustion of two citizens near of MLSW, in order to inform the public objectively and, through this notice explains MLSW opinion that in early of April (02.04.2013) has signed a memorandum of understanding with KEC raising the level of employment, the development of cooperation and interaction.
This memorandum is intended to hiring a certain number of job seekers registered at employment offices as unemployed, in KEC.
Also provided in this memorandum are the criteria for selection of job seekers, which among other things is the criterion under 40 years of age, should be beneficiaries of social assistance should also be registered in employment offices as jobseekers.
According to the memorandum, the announcement was made public employment offices, gravitating KEC surroundings, such as Pristine, Besiana, Fushe Kosovo, Obilic, Mitrovica, Vushtrri and Skenderaj.
After receiving the applications, the joint commission of Ministry and KEC has selected the candidates at employment offices and initially selects all candidates who meet the criteria set forth in the aforementioned memorandum. Are invited to interview all applicants.
After the development of interviews with candidates’ applicants, the committee has selected 120 candidates who meet the criteria set forth in the memorandum.
Among the guests were also interviewed these two citizens, who tend to burn their first – MLSW. These people did not meet the criteria of paragraph V/1.3, which means that there are over age 40. Both of these persons continue to be continuity of social assistance beneficiaries.
Commission interviewer during the interview had to be careful that they accepted to be physically very fit because of the delicate job specifications KEC (the height where the work will be developed, highly polluted environment with dust, exclusively physical work, etc.), where among many applicants who did not meet these criteria are these two people .MLSW, in this case, all procedures are respected and legally procedures.