The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW) and the United Nations Program for Development (UNDP) will enhance the self-employment program in the region of Mitrovica, which will be made available 160,000.00 euros as grants and advice for setting up of new businesses from the unemployed jobseekers, who will use these tools to start new businesses and to employ others.
The main objective of the program is that unemployed workers offer opportunities to start business activity. Financial assistance to the program includes the provision of training / advisory and consulting services for the unemployed who possess entrepreneurial qualifications and skills, so that they can succeed in their business development.
The Acceptance of applications will be made in the relevant employment offices in the region of Mitrovica for the second phase of the program, which will begin in February of 2016. Job seekers will be informed in time about the way of the application and documents to be submit to the Labor Office.