The agreement in question is focused on the sufficient support that should be given to Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities for their employment through active servises and measures of the labour market which are provided by Employment Office in a full accordance with the legjislacion in force. With this agreement,through employment offices, MLSW will promote and advocate in finding the job provided by the potential employer for Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities and the priori will fulfill the criterion by providing equal opportunities in employment and creating a more qualitative integration to these communities.
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A Cooperative Agreement was signed between MLSW and NGO “Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian”
Deputy Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr.Qazim Rrahmani, has signed today the Cooperative Agreement with the Non-Governmental Organization “VO RAE” of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
Deputy Minister Rrahmani, during the signing of this agreement pointed out that Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities will have a better access to all Municipal Employment Offices for every cooperation in municipal level with the representatives of “VoRAE” NGO, for meetings, organizations related to employment, especially in the use of opportunities related to mediations in employment. “With this agreement, there will be enabled a better access to services in Employment Centers in terms of employment, applications and equal opportunities in employment “ –Deputy Minister Rrahmani said among the others.
Whereas on the other hand, director of “VO RAE” NGO ,Mr.Isak Skenderi , has thanked MLSW for this support given to these marginalized communities so far, as he said ,towards the creationg of a new successful integration for the youth from these communities.