Minister Mr. Reçica waited the representatives of the Federation of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Disabled Persons of Kosovo

Minister of Labor and Social Welfare, Mr. Skender Reçica, received today in the meeting the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Pensioners and Labor Invalids, Mr. Sylejman Meta.
Minister Mr. Reçica said that the position of pensioners will be one of its priorities, and that in these first days of taking responsibility, is assessing the situation in the MLSW and the tasks that wait him. The minister told the pensioners that he does not promise miracles, but that he will engage and do everything possible and within the competence to ensure that pensioners are treated dignitously. “We will do everything for pensioners to be treated and respected with a lot of dignity and correct behavior by staff and administration. That’s the least we can do. ”

At this meeting, the pensioners asked Minister Reçica to provide them with the essential list of drugs and handle the issue of public transport for pensioners, not only in Pristina, but also in country level.
The minister vowed to engage and do everything within reach, so that pensiones would have their deserved place in society.
The pensioners expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the reception, adding that they have never been expected and heard so much about the problems and the position of pensioners in Kosovo society.