Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi waited in meeting today with representatives [...]
Minister of Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi hosted a meeting today [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi hosted today Andrew Russell, UNDP Resident [...]
Sot, Ministri i Punës dhe i Mirëqenies Sociale z. Arban Abrashi priti në vizitë kortezie [...]
Z.Johstib u nda i kënaqur nga gatishmëria e Ministrit Abrashi për ta pritur në takim [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi with associates and Director of the [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi hosted today the Chairman of the [...]
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