Humanitarian organizations from Germany “Malteser Hilfsdienst GMBH” Bundesland Niedersachsen, has given a modest donation for [...]
Ministri i Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale z.Arban Abrashi, priti sot në takim një grup studentësh [...]
With a sizeable group of panelists, different profiles, it is now developed one day conferences [...]
Të enjten, më 28.04.2016 Ministria e Punës dhe Mirëqenies Sociale, gjegjësisht Trupa Ekzekutive e Inspektoratit [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi has waited in the working meeting [...]
Pristina, 22 April 2016 Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr, Arban Abrashi, waited [...]
Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, waited today the Mayor of Obilic, [...]
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