MLSW and the British Embassy distributed certificates for young leaders

Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and the British Embassy today have destributed a certificates for youths trained for youth leadership and work in the UK and Northern Ireland.

The British Ambassador Mr. Ruairi O’Connell said he felt honored to participate in this ceremony by acclaimed youth volunteerism and cooperation of youth from different countries. He said he was happy whenever given the opportunity to help the young people of Kosovo. “Change comes only if we work together and I encourage that young volunteers to help and teach each other,” said Mr. O’Connell .

Adviser Mr. Fatmir Haxholli of Minister Mr. Abrashi, during his speech he praised the work of the YMCA organization appreciated by the contribution that this organization representatives from around the world related to youth. “Given that Kosovo has a population mainly consisting of young people, I thank in particular the representatives of the YMCA organization for the work he is doing for young people in Kosovo, which thus contributes to making young people part of decision taking further their goals among others, “said Mr. Haxholli.

The training has strated at last year in the UK, followed by the second phase in Northern Ireland, and the last part of which ended in Kosovo, specifically in the city of Gjakova.

The British ambassador Mr. O’Conell and adviser Mr. Fatmir Haxholli and council of the minister Abrashi , distributed certificates of training for young people who attended this program.

The Network Kristian of Youth Centres (Young Men’s Christian Association) has a long experience and good cooperation in different countries in the training of leaders and young workers, where a special   attention is paid to developing countries, such as Kosovo.