Minister Mr. Abrashi supports the employment of people with disabilities

Pristina, on 27 October 2016

Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Mr. Arban Abrashi, signed a cooperation agreement in view of the employment of persons with disabilities. The cooperation agreement was signed in conjunction with GIZ, Down Syndrome Kosova (DSK) and IB Southwest Regional Directorate of the General Staff. Help for International Behidertenhilfe, which means the implementation of the project to support the employment of persons with disabilities and the creation of equal opportunities in the labor market, which the project will help in the creation of new jobs in systematically for persons with disabilities.

On this occasion, Minister Mr. Abrashi thanked the German Government and GIZ for the continuous support that are here offered MLSW in the field of employment and training through the implementation and financing of projects in the central and local level, which projects have aimed at creating employment opportunities and vocational training for all the unemployed and job seekers registered at employment offices

Minister Mr. Abrashi stressed that the project “Support to the employment of persons with disabilities and the creation of equal opportunities in the labor market”, will create employment opportunities and vocational training for a number of persons with disabilities and to increase inter-institutional cooperation and NGOs, through developing partnerships with businesses locally and through this project will enable the inclusion of persons with disabilities in employment and vocational training. This project will be implemented in partnership with local and international organizations, to implement a training program and creation of employment opportunities for persons with disabilities, which will offer sustainable employment for this category of society.

The Minister Mr. Abrashi stressed that MLSW will offer support and cooperation during the implementation of this project, a partnership between the ‘Down Syndrom Kosova’ and ‘International Behidertenhilfe’ from Germany and other organizations participating in the implementation of this project.