“This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”
About the project
Support to Labour Inspectorate for Fighting Against Undeclared Work Beneficiaries: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and Labour Inspectorate Contracting Authority: European Office in Kosovo
Contractor: ARCHIDATA S.r.l. Project term: July 2018 to July 2021
Formal economy and health and safety at work are among high level priorities in Kosovo’s European Union accession path. One of the commitments of the Stabilization and Association Agreement is to improve working conditions for Kosovo employees through the gradually approximation of national legislation with EU acquis and match the new laws and regulations with adequate implementation and enforcement measures.
“Support to Labour Inspectorate for fighting against undeclared work” is a two-year EU-funded project with overall objective to increase formal employment in Kosovo. The purpose of this project is better functioning Labour Inspectorate measured by:
- reduced undeclared work through real inspections carried out and regulations applied, and
- reduced accidents and improved safety at work through real inspections carried out and regulations and fines applied.
The project will be implemented through three linked components:
Component 1: Enhancing capacity of Labour Inspectorate, Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare and social partners for ensuring satisfactory working conditions and promoting formal employment.
Component 2: Enhancing labour inspection practices in order to ensure efficient and effective controls of health and safety at work and of working relations (with particular focus on formal working conditions).
Component 3: Implementation of inter-institutional communication and public awareness strategy for reducing undeclared work and providing better working conditions.
The first project component is linked to strengthening institutional and administrative capacities of the beneficiary institutions in the legal approximation and harmonization, in development of national policies and action planning as well as in strengthening inter-institutionally coordinated system. Second component is focused on strengthening the human capacities of the beneficiary institutions to be able to implement the new strategies and legislation, and the third one aims to raise public awareness on benefits of formal work and safe working conditions.