About the project

The “Support to Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for Efficient and Effective Implementation of Active Labour Market Measures”, is a 24-month project, financed within the Instrument of Pre-Accession II (IPA), and delivered by WYG savjetovanje d.o.o.


The EU through the project “Support to Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for Efficient and Effective Implementation of Active Labour Market Measures” aims to increase employability and sustainable employment prospects for disadvantaged groups, particularly youth and women in Kosovo


Development of the capacity of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), and Employment Agency (EARK), to design, implement, and monitor the Active Labour Market Measures (ALMMs), focusing on disadvantaged groups, particularly youth and women.

Result Areas

Result 1: MLSW, EARK, local authorities, and social partners equipped with skills for drafting concrete actions under ALMMs in the sector of employment, education and social development.

Result 2: MLSW and EARK are equipped with knowledge and experience in implementing and monitoring of ALMMs proposed for disadvantaged groups, particularly for youth and women.

Key outputs:

  • A review of the policies and programmes provided to date, by the MLSW and EARK, and design of new projects/initiatives to tackle current labour market challenges. This will be developed as a project pipeline;
  • Technical support to the MLSW to enable development of secondary legislation in the field of social enterprise and support to capacity building of the MLSW, other implementing bodies, and social enterprises themselves, to effectively implement, or comply, with legislative requirements;
  • Capacity building to the MLSW and EARK to support design of a new Social Enterprise grant scheme which will enable existing organisations to further develop their capacity to operate effectively as social enterprises within Kosovo;
  • Provision of technical support and capacity building to potential beneficiaries of the Social Enterprise grant scheme to develop high quality proposals for submission under the Social Enterprise grant scheme; and

Build capacity of MLSW and EARK monitoring and evaluation experts to provide support to Grant scheme beneficiaries “Support to Vocational Training, On-the-job Training, Self-employment and Entrepreneurship”, to ensure effective, efficient, and sustainable implementation of their projects. 

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