Ministar Abrashi prisustvovao je inauguraciji dva projekta u Peći

Under the organization of the Municipality of Peja and the support of the EU in Kosovo, has inaugurated the restoration of the mill Haxhi Zeka and public areas.

At the invitation of the Mayor of Peja g. Gazmend Muhaxheri, as the organizer of the inauguration of these projects, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare Mr. Arban Abrashi, prisustvovaoje, inauguration, where, in addition to representatives of MLSW, Peja municipality, the Office of the EU, attended by representatives of companies that benefit from these two projects.

The agenda of today’s program is characterized by an organized pešačevanja footpaths built for walking and one stop on a photographic exhibition, to then continue with Haxhi Zeka Mill restored, in the framework of these two projects.

Minister Abrashi, during his speech, among other things, emphasized the positive effect of a multidimensional these two projects, one of which users are not only citizens of Pec, where the service will be restored public spaces as part of the cultural heritage .Mlin Haxhi Zeka Mill, but also offer for temporary employment of persons who have registered at the Center for Employment of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare which included people with disabilities and representatives of national minorities.