“This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”
Mladen Vojković, Contract Director, has over a 13 years of experience in managing projects across different sectors, but focusing mostly on capacity building of institutions in employment, regional development and training sectors.
As a Project and Contract Director, Mladen successfully managed more than 20 EU, other donor and state funded projects in Croatia, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
As an Expert, Technical and Contract Director Mladen was working intensively in Kosovo from 2014 to 2017 and he is well acquainted with local situation.
He brings an in-depth understanding of the socio-economic position in Kosovo through experience in management and direction of many donor funded TA programmes in the region.
In the capacity of WYGS Director, he is responsible for managing a portfolio of 30-40 projects per year from socio-economic sector.
Alush Grosha, WYGI’s Country Director for Kosovo, holds Master degree in Project Management and has proven successful experience in developing effective working relationships with donors and beneficiaries, and across all levels of government. This includes liaising with different Ministries, EUOK, Municipalities and other stakeholders in Kosovo and establishing excellent working relations in order to achieve project objectives and goals. As a Country Manager of WBIF in Kosovo since January 2009, he had cooperated and worked on daily basis with the Ministry of European Integration and all relevant ministries providing support to all aspects and tasks related to WBIF. He has over 14 years of experience in managing different EU funded, also in the capacity of Project Director of two projects in implementation in the country: “Enhancing the Employment of Vulnerable Groups” and “Support to Civil Society Lot 2 projects”. As manager/deputy team leader he has successfully completed the “Employment Regeneration Project (ERP)”, the “Marketing Support Project (MSP)” and “Kosovo Centre for Livestock Breading Project (KCLB)” implemented by WYGI and funded by the EU, where the direct beneficiaries were Ministries and wide range of stakeholder’s including private sector as well all over Kosovo.
Angela Taylor is a seasoned manager and employment specialist with a proven track record in the civil service and donor funded projects in the field of employment and labour market development with particular focus on vulnerable groups on the labour market. As former British civil servant she was responsible for design and implementation employment measures, training of the unemployed (long-term unemployed, women and youth), careers guidance and advice. Angela continued her career in civil sector as Head of Education, Training and Development, for Regional Development Agency Forth Valley Enterprise, including responsibility for employment and unemployment measures and preparation of Central Scotland Structural Funds Integrated Operational Programme HRD Component. Since 1990 she was continuously involved in designing refined approaches to counteracting unemployment. She has experience in various. Continuously, during that period, she has designed, coordinated, implemented and participated in a wide range of initiatives/projects related to employment policies. As a consultant working throughout CEE, she has assisted Ministries of Labour and National Employment Services, including in Serbia, Croatia, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, and the Ukraine, in organisational development, capacity building and the design, implementation, evaluation and reporting of tailor made ALMMs for vulnerable groups of beneficiaries, including women, Roma, youth and people with disabilities. Angela has a substantial Team Leader experience and has led complex labour market projects funded within the framework of EU programmes, DFID and World Bank. She is a highly effective manager with excellent communication and reporting skills, and has demonstrated the ability to take a broad, flexible, and pragmatic approach to project implementation; to set up and maintain genuine and candid communication with a wide range of individuals; and to manage teams to deliver multiple and varied inputs, characterised by strong and timely performance.
Robert Babić, Senior Non-key Expert – Grant Scheme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation. Robert has a MA degree in Sociology, and more than 13 years of professional working experience in Labour Market Policies and Projects in Croatia and other countries of Western Balkans, with more than 9 years of experience in social & labour market research and analysis. He has proven working experience in development of grant project and project fiches/operations in the area of ALMMs, combined with the experience in implementation and monitoring of grant projects and ALMMs. He has worked on design, development and implementation of dozen projects/operations in the field of employment, civil society development, social inclusion and local economic development financed from the PHARE, IPA and ESF funds. Robert has organized and carried out over 20 different researches (surveys, interviews, desk researches) and analysis regarding labour market, social inclusion & social services and VET (Yearly employers survey, Analysis on impact of VET programs, Social research regarding youngsters occupying social institutions). Robert possesses strong communications and organisational skills, proven ability to work in multi-teams on EU funded projects and in public sector as well as experience in preparing and writing various kinds of reports (analytical, statistical, etc.) on EU funded projects. He has provided dozen of trainings regarding project management to the CSO’s, businesses and public institution representatives. He is currently the Senior Consultant at WYGS.
During April and May Meri Lorecnic an expert from Slovenia joined the project team to work with the Employment Agency Department for Vocational Training Centre Department. Meri has worked extensively in the employment sector for 38 years , including as an Adviser to the General Director of the Employment Service of Slovenia and for the European Training Foundation.
Meri will be working with the Vocational Training Department to further develop the Employment Agencies current model for combined training, which combines theoretical training delivered in the Vocational Training Centres with more practical training delivered in the premises of employers. As well assisting the Employment Agency develop a manual for the Contracting out of external training provision. During this process Meri will be highlighting existing good practice both in the region and further afield.
“This website has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this website can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.”