The European Union Office in Kosovo hosted an information session with civil society organisations, businesses and representatives of local authorities in Peja/Pec to promote the newly launched grant scheme titled: Improving labour market access of disadvantaged groups through social enterprises and active labour market measures”.
Opening the session, Ms. Hillen Francke, deputy Head of Cooperation Section at the European Union Office in Kosovo, expressed pleased with the big number of women attending the session. She emphasized the importance of this financial mechanism that aims to support projects that will increase employability and sustainable employment prospects for disadvantaged groups, namely youth and women in Kosovo. Ms. Francke encouraged civil society organisations and businesses to apply with innovative project proposals and stressed that the European Union will continue to support Kosovo and its development.
In addition, Mr Dardan Sadriu, Program Manager at the Cooperation Section, guided the participants through the Guidelines for Applications and provided clarifications to questions raised by participants regarding this call. He reiterated that EUR 3. Million are planned to be distributed within this grant scheme.
In order to promote this funding mechanism, the European Union Office in Kosovo, through the project “Support to Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for efficient and effective implementation of labour market measures”, is organizing a series of information sessions across Kosovo. The information session are organized during two days. The first half of day of the session is dedicated to promotion of the grant scheme and application procedures. Whereas, following the formal information session, project expert Mr Robert Babic, provides through an interactive workshop and discussion, advice and coaching to interested organizations and potential applicants on project proposal development where participants have the opportunity to develop their project idea for this Call for Proposal.
The deadline for application for this funding opportunity is 11th November 2019. For more information about application procedures and forms, please click HERE.