During April and May 2019, Ms. Meri Lorencic an expert from Slovenia joined the project team to work with the Employment Agency Department, Vocational Training Centre Department. She has worked extensively in the employment sector for 38 years, including as an Adviser to the General Director of the Employment Service of Slovenia and for the ETF – European Training Foundation.
Within the project, Ms. Lorencic works with the Vocational Training Department to further develop the Employment Agency current model for combined training, which combines theoretical training delivered in the Vocational Training Centers with more practical training delivered in the premises of employers. She also assists the Employment Agency to develop a Contracting Manual for external training providers.
In April, Ms. Lorencic and the Team Leader of the Project “Support to Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for Efficient and Effective Implementation of Active Labour Market Measures” EU4K support to MLSW, Ms. Angela Taylor, visited the Employment Offices and Vocational Training Centres in Mitrovica and Peja/Pec, as well as an employer who is currently participating in combined training in the Wood sector in Peje/Pec, to see first-hand how combined training is currently functioning.