Labour Inspectorate publishes a report on the findings of an awareness campaign

Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, respectively the Labour Inspectorate, after the conclusion of the awareness campaign and the campaign as a continuation of its inspection, to raise awareness of the parties to respect the legislation which the Labour Inspectorate has the authority to supervise, announced report on the findings and results achieved in this campaign.


Deputy Minister /of the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare Ms. Rita Hajzeraj-Beqaj said that as the Ministry we consider that this campaign has had a positive effect and these activities will continue. Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, respectively the Labour Inspectorate has announced that there will be 0% tolerance for entities that keep workers without contracts covered work, and will be very rigid to entities that do not provide personal protective equipment for employees.


Also he stressed that they are in talks to establish a new telephone line for reporting any employee who has a problem and want to inform you done injustice to them at work.

As head inspector of EBLI, Mr. Basri Ibrahimi said that we need the support of all as organizations of workers and those of employers but also of all other parties.

We also awareness campaign but also during inspection campaigns are mainly focused on two basic criteria: workers without employment contracts and working without personal protective equipment.


During this inspection campaign in the month of May 2015 a total of 1,548 inspections were carried out, where 11,402 workers were inspected. By workers inspected were identified 249 workers who have been working without employment contracts, which also were legalized then the effect of the work of the Labour Inspectorate. For employers who have not respected the law imposed 92 fines.




Compared with the same period of 2014 where labor inspectors had conducted 779 inspections in May 2015 conducted 1548 inspections, thus it appears that this month Inspectorate conducted approximately 100% more inspections, more inspections 769 respectively. This increase in the number of inspections is what effect during this period, labor inspectors have focused mainly on two criteria highlighted, labor contracts and personal protector equipment, but without neglecting other issues that the legislation provides.


Also on 6 May 2014 have imposed fines, while in May 2015 have imposed 92 fines or 86 fines more. The number of fines comes after awareness campaign in which case the parties are informed during the entire month of April that would be punished if found to not comply with the legislation in force, specifically if owning workers without employment contracts and if they do not provide personal equipment safeguard. In May 2015 the Labour Inspectorate has led to legalized 249 workers who are found without contracts, from a total of 11,402 workers inspected, while in the same period last year legalized affected 325 workers, out of 3,985 workers inspected.


According to these statistics, it appears that in May last year of the Labour Inspectorate has found that approximately 8% of the total number of workers inspected worked informally, while in May of this year that number down around 2%, and of course is a good sign of respect for legislation.



At the end of the meeting expressed gratitude to the media that are following the activities of the Labour Inspectorate and are contributing to the realization of the cause to work legally and safely, it said that this inspection campaign aimed not fining employers but awareness them, and hope to have further cooperation with all our partners.


Also it announced that next month the Labour Inspectorate for inspections will focus primarily on physical security of companies as well as those of maintenance. Another sector that will be paid attention to the inspections is also the education sector, where the Labour Inspectorate invites all stakeholders during recruitment procedures to comply with procedures.